Centrelink Tab

The Centrelink tab contains the details that are needed to identify the company to Centrelink and contact information should Centrelink need to contact the company.payroll can electronically transmit earnings details of specific employees when requested by Centrelink.

Editing the Company Centrelink Details:

  1. In navigator click Company | Maintain Company Details.
    The Company screen will open.
  2. Click on the Centrelink tab.
  3. Edit the following details as required:
Field Explanation
A.B.N Australian Business Number.
User ID This is the ID that will have been received from the ATO and identifies your company to them.
Centrelink Contacts Here you need to enter the details of your company's Centrelink contact person.
Phone numbers To add the phone numbers for the contact person, click on the Add New button.
Phone Type Select the phone type from the drop-down list.
Preferred number Check this box if this is the preferred number on which this person can be contacted
Number Enter the number with relevant codes
Extension Enter the extension number
[shown when you click Edit]
Enter any comments that apply to the use of this number.